International Center
Our KA2 Projects
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Our Projects (Coordinating or Partners)

  • CURE (Co.)

    Curriculum Reform for Promoting Civic Education and Democratic Principles in  Israel and in Georgia (CURE)   is a multi-faceted program for curricular reform that aims to improve the level of curriculum for Civic Education and Principles of Democracy in teacher-training  programs in Israel and in Georgia through: developing new courses, faculty  training workshops, student leadership training, student activities, establishing Civic education clubs/centers at CURE's Israeli and Georgian universities and colleges and in schools where students practice teach.

  • DOIT (Co.)

    DOIT enhances the quality of education in participating Israeli and Georgian Higher Educational Institutions by:

    • Designing, piloting and implementing curricular reform which promotes Multicultural Education and Cultural Diversity Training

    • Facilitating the exchange and sharing of knowledge among professionals involved in education.

    DOIT's principal multi-dimensional program includes design, piloting and integrating into the curriculum of participating universities and colleges in Israel and Georgia.

  • William (Pa.)

    WILLIAM is a three-year Erasmus+ Capacity Building Initiative for Internationalization at Home
    Co-funded by the EU Commission, WILLIAM works to foster an international climate for home students, alongside strategies to create an international campus with a supportive and welcoming environment for international students studying in Israel.

  • DEMO (Pa.)

    The objective of DEMO.IL is to build and implement an innovative curriculum on the lives of immigrants and refugees in applied social sciences in higher educational institutions  in Israel, disseminate this curriculum and promote its sustainable implementation after the end of the project.

    This project is coordinated by Ben Gurion University and has a partnership of 6 Israeli institutions and 6 European institutions.

  • ASSET (Pa.)

    The ASSET consortium provides the knowledge and pedagogical expertise aimed at developing and piloting creative and innovative assessment tools and methods adapted to the learning environments in use, and improving the effectiveness of teaching and learning within the IL and GE HE system, thus, bridging the gap between current educational goals and outcomes of teaching, learning, and assessment processes based on the principles set out in the Bologna process.

  • ABC (Pa.)

    The Aim of ABC project is to introduce (in Georgia) and enhance (in other beneficiary institutions) the profession of a Speech and Language Therapist in the participating countries through elaboration and/or revision of quality courses offered at different levels of higher education.

    The project opens space to start thinking and acting towards:

    •Developing of professional approaches to the clinical supervision and  coaching

    •Developing of content based materials reflecting local cultural and linguistic features

    •To use reflective process in learning, to use innovative teaching methodology: research oriented, case- and problem based learning

  • PROTEACH (Pa.)

    PROTEACH is a National Israeli ERASMUS+ project that aims to lessen the drop out rate from the profession of teaching in Israel of new teachers being inducted into the profession.   By the end of its three-year duration, the PROTEACH project – launched in October 2016 – will result in the creation and sustainable implementation of the MIT (Multi-Player Induction Teams) model, involving beginning teachers, newly-qualified teachers, school principals and staff members, various stakeholders, and representatives from the academia, all working together to promote teachers' professional fulfillment and retention in Israeli schools in the first five years of their careers.

  • DARE (Pa.)

    DARE: Developing programs for Access of Disadvantaged groups of people and Regions to Higher Education is a cross-regional project under the Erasmus+ Key Action 2, founded by the Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency ("EACEA") of the European Union. The aims of the project are: 1. to promote inclusive education and responsive education in Georgia and Israel by widening access to higher education for potential and existing students from three vulnerable groups: women, ethnic minorities and those with disabilities.

  • TeachEX (Pa.)

    Teaching excellence is of primary importance for the learning environment in higher education. Thus, TEACHEX is a project conceived to contribute to the continuous professional development of academic staff by offering adequate support structures (Centers for Teaching Excellence) and innovative, high-quality, flexible programs designed to promote better teaching and therefore enhanced learning as well.

  • LLAF (Pa.)

    Life Long Learning in Applied Fields (LLAF) is one of the selected TEMPUS IV Sixth Call programs that involves 16 different institutions located in 8 different countries collaborating to address the challenge of academic institutions to maintain their relevancy in the topics that they teach by developing new curriculum that has at its foundation the capacity to provide students with tools and skills for new professional developments and innovation, concentrating on communities of learners and on work within and with communities.
    LLAF is a unique and innovative project which combines capacity building for international collaboration with curricular reform for Lifelong Learning in several professional applied fields, such as Health Care, Speech Therapy and Audiology, Optometry, Education, Photographic Communication and Computer Sciences. The European and Israeli consortium members are academic institutions aiming to promote lifelong learning by developing higher education curricula directed at constructing novel teaching/learning approaches of Evidence Based Practice and Learning (EBP & EBL), Team Based Learning (TBL) and New Learning Environments (NLE), some of which already practiced by the expert members from the EU institutes supporting the curricula development effort.


    Improving the quality of teacher-training in Israel through an efficient and sustainable mentoring system based on best EU practices.

  • IMPACT ERASMUS Virtual Exchange Program

    IMPACT (Inter-Mediterranean Peace and CollaboraTion) is a consortium of universities, colleges, youth organizations and technology companies from Europe, Israel, Morocco.   Through its activities of virtual exchange, the project aims to foster inter-cultural dialogue and soft skills.  Project will run from 2023-2026.

    More Info >
  • E-Safety

    ERASMUS+ Adult education Program that aims to provide parents, teachers and guardians with the knowledge and skills to guide children ages 9-14 with the safe use of the internet relating to the topics of cyber-bullying and addiction.  (Website under construction). Project will run from 2023-2026.

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